Gun-Free Zone Blues

Georgia high school shooting: Injuries reported, one suspect in custody, sheriff says [More]

Blood dancing to ensue.

At least 4 killed. 30 injured.

A suspect is in custody who is of student age


“School safety zones” irony

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Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Gun-Free Zone Blues”

  1. Expect the CIA/NSA/FBI to activate more of these MK Ultra trolls in the ongoing effort to pass massive gun control measures.

  2. Dopey Joey wans more “gun conrol laws”, right?

    Fourteen years old, can’t buy a gun. Can’t even have one in public.
    NO ONE excep he Chosen Few can possess arms in any school.
    Unjustified shooting of an innocent is a felony anywhere.
    Murder is a felony offense.
    Wha NEW law WOULD have prevented this mess?


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