Gun Kapo Rich

Gun owners: It’s time for us to stand up against the Second Amendment death culture [More]

If I were an FFL and this pin-headed Fudd traitor walked into my store I’d tell him to get the hell out. Assuming he really is a gun owner…

This, apparently is what he once believed, and has now done a 180 to embrace being a tool. Now he showcases all the leftist DSM outlets that have exploited his new-found useful idiocy at the bottom of his website.

You’d think with all that national exposure he’d have more than 105 Facebook followers. In other words, his “influence” is all Astroturf.

They’re not much buying his $h!+ over at TwittX, either…

His “team” notwithstanding…

[Via Andy M]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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