Gun Stats has compiled them for Global Civilian Firearm-Ownership, Global Civilian Firearm Rates & Gun Deaths, Gun Ownership Rates By State, What State Has the Most Guns Gun, Ownership Per Capita By State, Percentage of Gun Ownership by State, State Firearm Ownership and Firearm-Related Deaths, Firearm Ownership & Firearm-Related Deaths, Firearm Ownership & Firearm-Related Suicides, Firearm Ownership & Firearm-Related Homicides, and ATF Seizures and State of Origin. [More]

Just a subjective design comment here: If I were doing it, I’d replace ✅ with ☠️ under “Permit to Purchase” and “State Background Check.”

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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