Harris Endorsement Severs All Liz Cheney Ties with Second Amendment Supporters

Her and their actions are contemptible and unforgivable. If these snakes prevail, there truly will be no reason to vote (politically). [More]

Liz to whores: Hold my beer.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Harris Endorsement Severs All Liz Cheney Ties with Second Amendment Supporters”

  1. There are evidently people who care what the Cheney clan thinks. I can’t imagine who they are or why they might care. I certainly don’t know any of them.

    However, I have noticed that Republican women tend to be better looking than Democratic women. I do not know why that is, but it is. I mean, who would you rather look at, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard? I’ve also noted that Liz Cheney is pulling down the lower end of that curve.

    Watch out for that doorknob on your way out, Liz!

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