Hitting the Jackpot

The city of Philadelphia has agreed to pay the staggering sum of $9.25 million to about 200 rioters because they were teargassed and struck with rubber bullets. [More]

>$46K each ain’t a bad payday.

So can we expect reparations for the J6 protestors, too?

“Commissioner Outlaw” is what’s known as an aptronym.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Hitting the Jackpot”

  1. $46k payday for a bruise or two and crying eyes…oh wait, how much do the ‘justice for the mob’ lawyers take?

  2. Just a reminder: Commissioner Outlaw was Chief of Police in Portland, Oregon, before going to Philadelphia, including during antifa/blm’s rise.

    Explains a bit, eh?

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