Hoist with Their Own Petard

Two days later, a bunch of these assholes find out actions have consequences, and after a decade of having it used against them, the right has finally figured out how to use cancel culture themselves. Some of these assholes are now getting outed, and fired by their employers who don’t want the PR nightmare of fucking psychopaths working for them. [More]

Turnabout seems like more than fair play to me.

Which bring me to an idea I had when I saw this pinned tweet from Kathy Griffin:

Remember how many venues dropped her like a hot potato for this?

My guess is it wouldn’t be hard at all to find the X pages for each of the upcoming venues, post it on their feed, and very publicly ask them if they’re ready for the outrage coming their way.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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