Cancel Slavery-Defending Haters!

The text of the bill says that it would “immediately cancel the filings of a political party, to include its registration and approved status as a political party, if the party’s platform has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.” [More]

If they can erase Confederates, why not?

It’s not too late to add that any member of such a party is collectively liable with the others for all reparations…

I Beg to Differ

Unfettered democracy and markets cannot be controlled by a tiny, self-serving elite. [More]

Sure they can. What does this guy think “two wolves and a sheep” and woke corporate struggle session cancel culture abrogating rights government isn’t ready to take on yet are all about?

[Via bondmen]

Snitch Nation

When Your Neighbor Turns You In – Authoritarian societies depend on people ratting each other out for activities that were recently legal—and it’s already happening in the US. [More]

Funny. Wired wants us to believe the danger comes from proponents of limited Constitutional government.

Not a word about any of this… or cancel culture, struggle sessions, or SWATting gun owners


In the case of Snyder, Thomas More says he took part in an anonymous company survey in which he did not hold back. He said using the flag for “Gay Pride Month” is an “abomination to God.” Somehow that comment was posted in the company’s intranet, which was not Snyder’s intention, and he was later fired for violating Arconic’s “diversity policy.” [More]

Coming from a policies and procedures background (1981 – 2000), I’d encourage his attorney to subpoena the company’s sexual harassment and hostile workplace policies, including all previous revisions.

[Via Mack H]

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