How Dare You Notice!

Biden Admin Has the Nerve to Accuse Trump of Exploiting Migrant Crime Wave [More]

When your default position on never letting a crisis go to waste is to blood dance, project, and lie, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.

I’m more interested in why PJ Media is calling invaders “migrants.”

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “How Dare You Notice!”

  1. I’m calling this an unforced error on the part of the Biden campaign.

    In order for Trump to “exploit” a “migrant crime wave,” there first has to BE a “migrant crime wave” … which is something the Biden Administration has been denying for a long time. If there’s no “migrant crime wave”, how is Trump “exploiting” it?

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