If They Could Figure Out a Way to Say It’s Trump’s Fault, They Would

A 13-year-old boy was groomed publicly on Twitter and kidnapped, despite numerous chances to stop it [More]

See, it’s Elon Musk’s fault that the system hasn’t;t achieved perfection yet.

Certainly not the level of dependability NBC News has attained

[Via Steve T]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “If They Could Figure Out a Way to Say It’s Trump’s Fault, They Would”

  1. “Twenty-five days before the abduction, police sent a search warrant to Twitter to learn more information about the man police believe was grooming the teen. But they misspelled the username.”
    Well, it was tough to spell. Like “Antifa.”

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