If Wishes Were Fishes

Yeah, but…

Prognosis 1% chance of being enacted

Let Republican win in November and we’ll see where it goes. And Massie knows better than anyone how that works.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “If Wishes Were Fishes”

  1. He calls the place where he works 6 days a week “Mordor” and for very good reason.

    He also tries to avoid wearing his congressional pin, which he not so jokingly calls “Precious”, whenever possible, also for very good reason.

    If there were more Thomas Massies in congress, this bill would not need to be introduced in the first place.

  2. Trump wins and Republicans win control of Senate and House…this bill still goes nowhere just like the last time there was Republican president and Republicans controlled both. That time couldn’t even get the Hearing Protection Act passed.

  3. Thought Massie had had enough and was leaving. No matter, the Rs won’t touch this with a 10 ft pole. Not even my steadfast Mr. Crenshaw.

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