Imagine That!

Report Out on Former St Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Is As Bad As You’d Imagine [More]

In a way, urban America being irredeemably corrupt and incompetent works in our favor…

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Imagine That!”

  1. One has to read almost all of the way through the article before one finds the magic words: “George Soros.”

    So who is George Soros?

    He’s the man who shorted the British Pound, forced the Bank of England to devalue that currency and caused untold financial damage the UK, the people who live there, and the world economy. In doing so he became one of the richest men in the world.

    So what’s old George up to these days? Well, he doesn’t just fund prosecutors who only prosecute conservatives. He has his financial fingers in just about every wacko left wing organization in the USA going back to “Move On Dot Org” and “Americans Coming Together” during the Clinton years. If there’s anyone or anything seemingly sowing the seeds of discord and anarchy in the USA, George probably has a connection to it. Why would he be sowing mayhem in the USA?

    Soros placed one of the biggest bets in world history by massively shorting the US Dollar. He has since added to that position. In other words, if the US economy crashes, George becomes probably the richest man in the world. And as he demonstrated with the British Pound, the Thai Baht, and the Japanese Yen, he’s not above giving any economy a solid push to help it fall off of a cliff.

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