It’ll Never Be Enough

Even when you burn yourself alive for left wing ideology, it isn’t enough for the far left [More]

That’s why they’re called totalitarians.

If it’s any consolation, Veronica Lucya is perpetually frustrated and unhappy. It could not be otherwise.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “It’ll Never Be Enough”

  1. Judging by his facial expression, I would assume he had been a virgin, and if so, the important prerequisite for a Darwin’s award is met.

  2. Limbaugh often pointed out that despite the left controlling the government, the media, the courts, and the schools, they were still unhappy.

    He suggested it was because they were perfectionists when it came to others, but never about themselves. They insisted on a perfect communist society run by perfect communists. Something that has never happened and probably never will.

    So the Left is probably doomed to perpetual unhappiness.

    Borrowing from a former co-worker and USMC “graduate”, “F&ck ’em! Feed ’em beans!”

    (I’ve known quite a few people who were once one of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children. From what I’ve observed, in addition to the requirement that every Marine be a qualified rifleman, they must also be able to curse and be quite creative while doing so.)

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