Jeepers, Creepers, Where’d You Get Those Threepers?

Seddon’s vision for AP3 was novel for the time: a national organization, with chapters across the country operating under his command. [More]

Compare that to what Three Percent founder Mike Vanderboegh intended and didn’t want to see happen:

The Three Percent idea, the movement, the ideal, was designed to be a simple, powerful concept that could not be infiltrated or subjected to agents provocateurs like many organizations that I observed in the constitutional militia movement of the 90s. In this I was both correct and dead wrong, as I have been battling folks almost since the beginning who have misunderstood, deliberately or not, what the Three Percent was in history, what it is today and what its aims are for the future.

If you call yourself a Three Percenter, stop it if this is the first time you’re hearing this.

It looks to me like Joshua Kaplan and ProPublica are trying to amplify Garland and Wray’s “greatest threat” bull$h!+ by blowing some self-promoting low-hanging fruit up to scary boogeyman proportions. You’ll note so many who claim the title “Three Percenter” never even mention Mike on their websites, or post the catechism to articulate how to embrace the concept’s true meaning.

Don’t argue with me. Argue with him:

[Via DDS]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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