About That Greatest Threat…

Supporters of the National Socialist Movement, a white nationalist political group, give Nazi salutes while taking part in a swastika burning at an undisclosed location in Georgia… [More] If they’re such a threat to where the entire federal “law” imposement apparatus is out there conflating “white supremacists” with “conservatives,” gun owners, Christians, Republicans and especially … Continue reading “About That Greatest Threat…”

About That Greatest Threat…

Hate crime hoax: Idaho police say ‘White Power’ graffiti on high school created by ‘rival’ Hispanic gangs [More] Yeah, well maybe they were “white Hispanics,” like George Zimmerman or Nick Fuentes… [Via Michael G] UPDATE And speaking of the latter, those with an agenda sure blow him up bigger than he is. I don’t consider myself … Continue reading “About That Greatest Threat…”

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

So a mouthy Pakistani frostback who should have never been allowed onto this continent and doesn’t even have the gear is all the “Boogedy-Boogedy” needed to spook the herbivores into demanding an AR ban. And yes, millions of Democrats are stupid enough to fall for this. Tell us more about “the greatest threat,” AG Garland… … Continue reading “Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report”

To Themselves and Their Posterity

Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she “can’t take it anymore” as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily. [More] How…? Who in office made this locating decision? Who in office did not loudly fight it before it became reality? How is this happening in … Continue reading “To Themselves and Their Posterity”

And the Leni Riefenstahl Award Goes to…

Jude Law On The Hunt For White Supremacists In Venice Film [More] Playing a heroic FBI agent, naturally, in a propaganda piece straight from Merrick Garland’s “Greatest Threat/Low-Hanging Fruit” Files. What a tool. Now hang onto his every pronouncement like he’s a real-life authority. Just think: If the Ty-D-Bol man had ever managed to climb … Continue reading “And the Leni Riefenstahl Award Goes to…”

Low-Hanging Fruit Writ Large

Premo, who is black … Cisneros, a charismatic Latino activist from Texas. Cisneros explains that he was first radicalised by watching Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11. He now dreams of forming an alliance with Black Lives Matter organisers. [More] Sounds like every “right wing extremist” I know… At least they got one “greatest threat” example from … Continue reading “Low-Hanging Fruit Writ Large”

Pimp Repeats Narrative of 1995

FBI informant’s book predicts far-right violence: ‘we should be afraid’ [More] They are afraid– that there’s a substantial group they’re demonizing who, if pushed far enough, will push back. And for the record, the Klan is not “far right.” As Vanderboegh noted: Of course it is in the political and economic interests of the pimps … Continue reading “Pimp Repeats Narrative of 1995”

Jeepers, Creepers, Where’d You Get Those Threepers?

Seddon’s vision for AP3 was novel for the time: a national organization, with chapters across the country operating under his command. [More] Compare that to what Three Percent founder Mike Vanderboegh intended and didn’t want to see happen: The Three Percent idea, the movement, the ideal, was designed to be a simple, powerful concept that … Continue reading “Jeepers, Creepers, Where’d You Get Those Threepers?”

Guerillas in the Mist

Packs of “Fighting Age Males” in Military Uniforms Entering U.S. through Remote Arizona Town [More] Brought to you by the same people who want your guns and smear anyone who opposes their subversion as “the greatest threat.” Only embedded domestic enemies bent on the downfall of the Republic and the destruction/subjugation of its people would … Continue reading “Guerillas in the Mist”

We’re the Only Ones Agitating Enough

The Hidden History Of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory, Part 2 [More] Like with “hate hoaxes, if you and I weren’t “the greatest threat,” they wouldn’t have to go to these lengths, now would they? Tell me this guy’s not a patriot. [Via bondmen]

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

Arizona man allegedly sold firearms to undercover FBI agent to ‘incite race war’ – Indictment says Mark Adams Prieto recruited people at gun show to help carry out mass shooting targeting minorities [More] Yay, our heroes, protecting us from “greatest threat” white supremacist gun show denizens! Anybody know this loser? [Via 1Gat]

Guilty as Charged

Reuters Claims Trump Supporters Want ‘Riots And Violent Retribution’ Following Trump Verdict [More] Call Roto-Reuters, that’s the name… In fairness, we wouldn’t be much of a “greatest threat” if we didn’t want to see an escalation of all that “mostly peaceful” street action. By Hamas-supporting leftists at the Democrat convention… I’ve already bought the popcorn. … Continue reading “Guilty as Charged”

Free the Hostages!

Let’s cut to the chase: The DOJ/FBI response to the events of January 6, 2021, represents the single greatest mass injustice against American citizens since Japanese internment. [More] Only cowardly Vichycons would run and hide from this. I guess we’ll see how many there are. Or would it be faster to see who isn’t? Related … Continue reading “Free the Hostages!”

Demeans to an End

NON-CITIZENS DO NOT GET TO VOTE IN ELECTIONS. Why is there even a discussion? Seriously. You demean yourself when you bring yourself down to that level. There is no debate needed. [More] I asked for clarification on that and didn’t get it. In any case, I’m not going to let it stand. Non-citizens DO vote … Continue reading “Demeans to an End”

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