Right-Wing Extremists Gone Wild

Multiple People Shot at Historically Black Morgan State University in Baltimore -Police Looking for Three Shooters [More] But…but…but… Unauthorized use, possession or storage of any weapon. Since Black Lives Matter and since Garland and Wray assure us “white supremacists” are the greatest threat, can we safely assume they’re looking for hate-filled MAGA neo-Nazis? [Via Michael G]

Haters Gonna Hate

From coast to coast, Americans are being herded into two camps. There are the “white supremacists,” those bad people who purportedly hate good people. And then there is everyone else, good people who are encouraged to hate the bad people. [More] For being the “greatest threat,” I wonder how many members of the “Patriot Front” … Continue reading “Haters Gonna Hate”

This is It?

Sarah Beth Clendaniel, 34, has been charged with conspiring with a neo-Nazi leader in Florida, Brandon Clint Russell, 27, who authorities say encouraged attacks that would cause a “cascading failure” of the energy grid. [More] These two low-hanging fruit losers are the best examples of the “right-wing extremist”greatest threat Chris Wray and Merrick Garland tell … Continue reading “This is It?”

A Trainer Wreck

But when Rob Pincus told FOX News he supported Biden’s ideas, even shooting a shotgun out a door to scare away bad guys, it was too much. Even with Pincus’ previous statements calling for more gun control, he had crossed the Rubicon. There was no going back. [More] He crossed the Rubicon for me when … Continue reading “A Trainer Wreck”

Even Less Impressive than the Red Wave

FBI Ramps Up Spending to Fight MAGA Terrorism [More] For being the greatest threat, those Trump supporters sure don’t get much done. There are a lot of innuendoes and they squeeze the low-hanging fruits for all they’re worth, but I’m seeing everything about this in the news except actual and specific reports of it happening. … Continue reading “Even Less Impressive than the Red Wave”

Speaking of ‘Systemic’…

‘Philadelphia is a war zone’: Moment thug casually strolls up to parking officer and shoots him in the head in broad daylight in Dem-led city [More] Those damn “greatest threat” white Christian nationalist supremacists ruin everything, don’t they? Tell me this isn’t the best argument for disarming them you’ve ever seen. [Via Michael G]

Don’t Look at Me. Last Game I Played was Pong.

Yet a closer inspection of Activision Blizzard’s key staff and their connections to state power, as well as details gleaned from documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal that Call of Duty is not a neutral first-person shooter, but a carefully constructed piece of military propaganda, designed to advance the interests of the … Continue reading “Don’t Look at Me. Last Game I Played was Pong.”

What We Do and Don’t Know about the Colorado Springs Maniac

What we know about the suspect in the Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub shooting [More] We don’t know if he’s one of those haters they’re presuming he is and then extrapolating that to apply to the rest of us. The photo suggests otherwise, at least in terms of being one of those “white supremacists” we’re told … Continue reading “What We Do and Don’t Know about the Colorado Springs Maniac”

Immigrant Citizenship Push Confirms what Gun Group Leaders Refuse to Acknowledge

Regardless, while they’re avoiding the issue using a phony “single issue” excuse that ignores the greatest threat to gun owners, the Democrats are pushing toward an unchallengeable majority. They’ll attain supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will be able to pass whatever anti-gun edicts they want and nominate and confirm judges who will uphold … Continue reading “Immigrant Citizenship Push Confirms what Gun Group Leaders Refuse to Acknowledge”

A Mostly Peaceful Murder

Portland street mob shoots at elderly driver, accidentally kills one of their own [More] Being part of the greatest threat and all, with literally years of close Three Percenter and Oath Keepers tie-ins, you’d think I’d know at least one violent person like this… I don’t get it. My guns haven’t killed anyone, either. [Via Michael … Continue reading “A Mostly Peaceful Murder”

Speaking of Elite Threats…

Tulsi Gabbard: Washington Elite Pose “Greatest Threat” To Democracy [More] To paraphrase Rhett Butler, democracy should be threatened and often, and by someone who knows how. I don’t get the “conservative” fascination. Gabbard  reminds me of that  old Shake ‘N Bake commercial where the little Southern girl says “And I helped.” [Via bondmen]

Some Good News and Some Bad News

California Attorney General says “effective immediately, issuing authorities should no longer require proof of good cause for the issuance of a public-carry license.” [More] These weasels always have big “buts”: Don’t “Back the blue” or ATF or…? So much for “respect for the law.” How is being against fetus butchering or drag queen story hour … Continue reading “Some Good News and Some Bad News”

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