Clear and Present Danger

“Stunning On Multiple Levels”: DOJ Admits To Evidence Tampering In Trump Classified Docs Case [More] They can’t let him win. And by “him” I mean “us.” Expect ruthlessness from those immersed in the psychopathy of power and following orders, to him, and to anyone determined to expose those responsible. If lawfare doesn’t work, don’t expect … Continue reading “Clear and Present Danger”

Reign of Terror 2.0

The girl on the megaphone then accuses GWU’s Board of Trustees of profiteering off the “genocide” of Palestinians, and after the other students loudly proclaim them “guilty,” she yells, “To the guillotine!” Finally, they also call for GWU President Ellen Granberg and her apparently “f bob [haircut]” to be under the guillotine as well for … Continue reading “Reign of Terror 2.0”

Stealing It Right in Front of Us

Judge Allows Juror Who ‘Celebrated Trump’s Loss in 2020’ to Stay in Pool [More] Does anyone really believe this is anything but a partisan plot to let Democrats steal the election because they’re pretty sure that “greatest threat” is too disorganized and perceives it has too much to lose by going kinetic? [Via bondmen]

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

Internal Documents Show FBI is Worried About White Supremacist Teaming Up With Islamic Extremists [More] Yes, they never stopped. As Vanderboegh reminded us, racism is collectivism. Constitutionalists judge people as individuals. That’s why we have no use for DEI and the struggle session pressure to bow down to it. The FBI is advancing the Garland/Wray … Continue reading “Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before”

There Will Be Blood

TikToker goes viral explaining how illegal immigrants can take advantage of squatting laws [More] So much for “securing the Blessings of Liberty”… The would-be rulers are hoping to provoke a violent response from some low-hanging fruit so they can add some substantiation to their “greatest threat” Big Lie. But they’re taking away the one thing … Continue reading “There Will Be Blood”

We’re the Only Ones Entrapping Enough

The Informant at the Heart of the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Was a Liability. So Federal Agents Shut Him Up [More] Low-hanging fruit meet a managed provocateur in the quest for heroic headlines and to further conflate and smear traditional Americans as “the greatest threat.” I really have no use for ignorant morons who have … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Entrapping Enough”

It’s All the Rage

Our research was cited in a new book on “white rural rage.” But the authors got the research wrong. [More] What does truth have to do with it? Also backing up Merrick Garland’s/Chris Wray’s “Greatest Threat” malicious libel is Rob “My Precious Goo!” Reiner’s latest Leni Riefenstahl Award contender branding “Christian Nationalists” candidates for what … Continue reading “It’s All the Rage”

Planned Powderkeg

The protests are now havens for foreign students, especially those from Arab and Muslim countries, with their own set of nationalist and tribal grievances against Israel and the United States. In some cases, such foreign students appear to lead the protests in their pro-terrorism chants—some of which are in Arabic, or translations of Arabic slogans. … Continue reading “Planned Powderkeg”

In the Good Old Summertime

The Chi-Town Democrat convention and Democrat urban areas…? Sure, some might spill over elsewhere, but for the most part it won’t be equal distribution. I suspect we in the red zones will need more popcorn than ammo. Let’s show the electorate, especially suburban moms, what they’ve been voting for. Let’s let the left turn on … Continue reading “In the Good Old Summertime”

How to Grow Low-Hanging Fruit

Assassination attempts are on the rise worldwide — is the US next? [More] Council on Foreign Relations tough feeder and “greatest threat” Cassandra Jacob Ware certainly sounds like he hopes so, and even justifies schadenfreude for Donald Trump. So the answer to the title is “First you plant seeds.” Anybody who cites the Pelosi and … Continue reading “How to Grow Low-Hanging Fruit”

Doesn’t Fit the Profile

The preliminary investigation “confirmed a high probability” that the incident is not connected to “recent threats against the Colorado Supreme Court Justices,” the Colorado State Patrol said. [More] Forget that the creepy loser perp has a 20+ year history of thefts and drug crimes. There’s a “greatest threat” narrative to exploit here, and if they … Continue reading “Doesn’t Fit the Profile”

Threat or Promise?

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that he believed supporters of former President Donald Trump were “engaging in threats of violence,” while supporters of President Joe Biden were not prone to violence. [More] Ginning up demands for the government to send men with guns after people who won’t surrende their c0untry … Continue reading “Threat or Promise?”

Good Thing This Has Nothing to Do with That ‘Single Issue’

Everywhere Is a Border State – NGOs receive taxpayer dollars to facilitate mass immigration all over the United States. Senate Republicans appear to have caved to Democrats on defunding them. [More] And why not? They know the rice bowl guns groups will never tell their supporters about the greatest threat to RKBA, so they can … Continue reading “Good Thing This Has Nothing to Do with That ‘Single Issue’”

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