4 thoughts on “Just What They Voted For”

  1. 1. They declared cities to be “sanctuaries.”
    2. The declared that all were welcome.
    3. They opened the border.

    What did they think was going to happen?
    How did they think they were going to house, feed, care for, provide jobs for, the hordes that were likely to show up?

    There I go again, expecting correct answers for math problems.

    I must be some kind of white, male, boomer, Christian, bitter clinger, deplorable.

    Or racist.

    OTOH, I can count to 20 without taking off my shoes, apparently a skill that is no longer of value in the US of A.

  2. “What did they think was going to happen?”
    I heard both Adams and Johnson have already called Yellen to ask how they can “print more city.”

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