Ken Boddie, ‘Real Reporter’

Ghost guns — that is 3D-printed guns, guns with no serial numbers, guns that can’t be detected by X-rays and guns built at home using separately purchased parts — are now banned on Oregon streets. [More]

An Emmy Award-winning one at that! And people vote based on this.

This seems appropriate.

CBS KOIN 6: News You Can Wipe With!

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Ken Boddie, ‘Real Reporter’”

  1. It isn’t just hm. The ABC and FOX affiliates are on the same page.

    I don’t know about KGW, NBC affiliate, as I don’t watch that channel, but I assume it is also reporting that tripe.

  2. “Banned on Oregon streets” would be bad enough. The law doesn’t differentiate locations.

    Which is to say, they’re banned at home, as well.

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