Let the Punishment Fit the Crime

Civilization Cannot Exist Without Righteous Retribution [More]

Domestic enemies (and that’s what they are) abetting the destruction also disparage self-defense as racist vigilantism…

[Via Geordan]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Let the Punishment Fit the Crime”

  1. Kurt hits exactly my take on the purpose of prison: Punishment, possible rehabilitation, and above all, quarantine from the innocent victim pool.

    1. don’t forget the example of those who perpetrate evil getting caught, then getting harsh consequences imposed upon them. This puts others on notice. Like the clown who mistreated Mrs, Ardolino on her way home from mass, and the consequences of such indiscretion visited upon the perpetrator put everyone else contemplating similar acts on notice.. their end might not be worh thelittle satisfaction they get from their evil deeds.

      Today’s society suffers greatly from the utter LACK of dire consequences visitning upon those who do evil to others. Remember, the KKK of the old South prospered and grew… until those murdering and burning began to have “unpleasant” consuquences come round for a visit. And part of that shift came as the “negroes” began to arm themselves, and organise. When the white-robed hooligans rode into the yard of the darkies to terrorise them, and the windows slid open and gunfire erupted on the whiterobes, they had to take pause before planning another such raid.
      THAT was the root of gun control, too. Which did not work all that well over time.

  2. the Bible talks about the sinx of the fathers being visited upon their children to the third and fourth generation. When that fails to happen, those egregious would-be sinners who lack self-control also lack external control. And the sins of those fathers are visited upon everyone in the society.
    The cure is for those who do evil to others to suffer signficant consequences for their misdeeds. Quickly.

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