Licked His Finger and Stuck It Resolutely in the Air

It seems that State Sen. Marc Snyder of Manitou Springs was somehow confused when signed on as a cosponsor, and didn’t understand that the bill he was supporting to effectively ban the sale and manufacturing of guns, would effectively ban the sale and manufacturing of guns. [More]

Looks like his Fudd constituency expressed its displeasure.

No worries– there are still enough stupid and/or evil Democrats to pass the ban.

[Via cydl]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Licked His Finger and Stuck It Resolutely in the Air”

  1. Wow, there’s no way to spin this positively for him.

    Either he understood the bill he was supporting, in which case he has no business representing a free people, or he supported it without understanding it, in which case he has no business representing ANY people.

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