Making the Cut

Missing Oklahoma men were shot and dismembered, police say… Before the group went missing, Prentice says he believes that the men were planning to commit a crime … Investigators said they searched a salvage yard where one of the men’s phones was tracked … evidence of a “violent event” was found at a nearby property. The owner of the salvage yard … is now considered a person of interest  … [More]

I’m wondering if the bikes meant no one was allowed to drive. In any case, this sounds like it falls under the heading of FAFO.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Making the Cut”

  1. Bikes have many advantages over cars. Much more difficult to follow or track or identify, a group can easily separate and disappear, or let one “clean” guy play follow the leader whilst the “dirty” ones filter into the woodwork. Make no noise to speak of, thus attract less attention, and can all but disappear in the darkness. Easy to ride safely with no light, making them even harder to spot or follow.

    I find myself wondering if Mr. Kennedy hadn’t happened upon them as they were up to no good inside his boneyard well after closing. but then he’d likely have just reported them to LE and gone home. No need to perforate and dismantle. Unless there was a far more serious underlying “activity” Mr. Kennedy feared being discovered…. but his disappearance still does not figure in so far…. unless there is a sixth person involved who feared Mr. Kennedy’s implication…..

    Guess we’ll have to sit tight and wait till after the “word from our sponsor” for “the rest of the story”.

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