Massachusetts Gun Prohibitionists Trashing What Their Ancestors Fought and Died For

One can only wonder what the Founders would have thought of these worthless heirs to the freedom of self-determination won for them with blood, powder, and steel. The men who did that sacrificed their all to bequeath the Blessings of Liberty to an ungrateful, cowardly, and weak Posterity. These latter-day Tories spit on their forebears’ memory, and on the memory of the Sons of Liberty. They would resurrect the arms confiscation plot that triggered the beginning of the War of the Rebellion at Lexington and Concord – as long as someone else is doing the disarming. [More]

That they long to be ruled is contemptible enough. That they demand it for the rest of us is intolerable.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Massachusetts Gun Prohibitionists Trashing What Their Ancestors Fought and Died For”

  1. There is no logic. There is only the fiery determination to strip all but their chosen few personal guards from firearms possession.
    There is no start point for discussion.
    We shall determine the outcome.

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