Me, I’m Sending ‘Machine Gun Sammy’ a Threeper Flag!

Alito’s House Reportedly Flew ‘Appeal To Heaven’ Flag Used By Jan. 6 Rioters—Adding To Upside-Down Flag Controversy [More]

It’s a pretty one-sided controversy, “real reporter” Antonio Pequeño IV, when you only reference what sets Democrats off and omit the flag’s patriotic origin and history.

Just like making America great again, we dare not trigger those who worship at a different altar with appeals to Heaven.

Anybody remember when Steve Forbes tried to convince us he was our pal, and the NRA mouthpiece asked him about everything BUT the right to keep and bear arms?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Me, I’m Sending ‘Machine Gun Sammy’ a Threeper Flag!”

  1. I highly doubt Alito is the one putting up these flags. It’s almost certainly part of a leftist campaign to marginalize and neutralize Alito. The left wants to force Alito to refuse himself from any and all cases the court may hear that has ant actual meaning. Once they’ve neutered Alito they will pick another victim to attack.

  2. I think its been established that Alito’s wife put up the flags as part of an ongoing dispute with a foaming-at-the-mouth liberal neighbor.

    But then, they did try to nail Thomas for the actions of his wife.

    “ULLA SELLA…” and all that.

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