Meanwhile, Over in Occupied Texas…

Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee recently joined a lawsuit against Trump’s order blocking birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens. [More]

Just so you know who Democrats support…

…and who they oppose

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Meanwhile, Over in Occupied Texas…”

  1. Harris County gov is a cesspool run by fools and hardcore collectivists. The ‘accidental’ county judge (ran for office when local Ds had no one to put on the ballot and rode the D wave couple of years ago) is certifiable, but she was re-erected and now might just stay until she decides the state house will be more fun. County judge & commissioners jacked property taxes about 10%, millions handed out to best buds for nonsense contracts, and the proles be damned unless of favored color, ethnic origin, or some gender or other.
    I got out, but now see similar signs in my new abode. Once more into the breach.

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