Mexico Pointing and Laughing with One Hand, Holding Out the Other

Mexican President Mocks Texas Efforts to Secure Border … [More]

While Mexico sues U.S. gun makers in an attempt to destroy them and choke the supply of arms to Americans.

At what point do our “leaders” start treating a corrupt hostile foreign power like a corrupt hostile foreign power, instead of empowering them to step up their attacks with welfare and prefential trade deals?

I keep forgetting– the rope-selling capitalists are greasing our guys’ political palms, too.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Mexico Pointing and Laughing with One Hand, Holding Out the Other”

  1. You can bet your last nickel that if POTUS called Twenty Nine Palms and told whoever answered the phone that he wanted the border sealed tighter than a gnat’s behind within 24 hours, USMC would find a way to do it. Let’s see the Mexican Swamp laugh at that one.

    Now all we need to do is get us a President with the stones to make that phone call.

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