To publicly excuse himself from going along with what he knows to be wrong, the sheriff offered an unconvincing anecdote “involving a man having a mental health crisis” [More]
Someone needs to tell this “Only One” that “just following orders” is not as good look…
Expect this to happen a lot more, especially if major gun confiscation ever passes at the federal level.
He must have been re elected: no need to keep his campaign promises now.
In many fields, you start at the bottom and work your way up if you can. At the bottom it’s mainly work work and little politics. But If/when you move up, the work become less and the politics becomes more. So if you make it up to Chief of Police, there’s very little policing and lots of politicking.
Generally, none of that applies to a County Sheriff. In most places, the Sheriff is an elected office and in many cases he/she is not even required to be a sworn LEO.
So, long story short, Sheriffs are political animals. Expect them to behave accordingly.
Talk is inexpensive, and given some longevity at the trough, no need to walk that talk.
We have no friends in govt., particularly in ‘law enforcement’.