Much Ado About… What?

GOP senator introduces bill to protect US gun exporters from Biden admin’s license pause [More]

Yeah, well:

Prognosis – 1% chance of being enacted…

I guess it makes for good bragging rights, but funny, how we never saw all this “pro-gun” activity when Republicans held the majority…

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Much Ado About… What?”

  1. Real prognosis… ZERO chance of passing. In fact many legislative offerings like this are written and offered up NOT because the author wants or expects them to pass but simply as a form of virtue signaling during election season. It’s done simply to fool their constituents into believing the candidates BS. The politician can pretend to support a position while safely knowing the bill has zero chance at passage. This reality applies to many bills written that never had an actual chance. It’s just more political kabuki theatre.

    1. The GOP establishment virtue signals just as much as the Democrats.

      We saw it with ACA/Obamacare repeal, too. What was it, 17 bills to repeal it while Obama was still in the White House?

      But as soon as Republicans had the trifecta — the House, the Senate, AND the Oval Office — and Trump indicated he would sign a repeal bill that came to his desk … crickets. Zero repeal bills filed, zero passed.

      It’s almost like they weren’t serious about that campaign promise, or something.

    2. We need to keep on our toes and make sure that the Left doesn’t create a “virtue signalling gap.”

      “In “Dr. Strangelove,” the “mine shaft gap” was an astute satirical concept that underscored the pervasive fear and intense competition during the Cold War, reflecting the mindset that any perceived disadvantage between the United States and the Soviet Union—no matter how ridiculous or outlandish—posed an existential threat. Any “gap”—whether a missile gap, a technology gap, or even a mine shaft gap—encapsulated the deep-seated fears of falling behind the adversary.”

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