Murphy’s Law Requires household members of firearm purchasers to receive background check [More] It’s a collective right again…? So, why not house guests and visitors? [Via Jess] Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave Author: admin David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. View all posts by admin
Murphy ought to just drop the curtain and move to bar all pdw for all proles. Death by 1000 cuts is still death. Reply
Military officers are advised to not issue orders they know ill not be obeyed. Similar cautions should be given to legislators not to introduce laws they know will be broken and cannot be enforced. Remember when we all obeyed the 55 mph national speed limits? Yeah, me neither. (ap0logies to Steve Martin) Reply
Murphy ought to just drop the curtain and move to bar all pdw for all proles. Death by 1000 cuts is still death.
Military officers are advised to not issue orders they know ill not be obeyed.
Similar cautions should be given to legislators not to introduce laws they know will be broken and cannot be enforced.
Remember when we all obeyed the 55 mph national speed limits?
Yeah, me neither.
(ap0logies to Steve Martin)