My Mind is Going. I Can Feel It.

Maybe the reason there is no principled solution to AI hallucinations is that we cannot create artificial human minds. [More]

With all that GI, no wonder there’s so much delusional GO.

This oughta put a damper on machines being infallible “fact check” arbiters — or at least provide a counterargument.

Tech lords presuming to be gods hit their own special Dunning-Kruger wall.

And they’re afraid.

Still, by all means, go ahead and replace most “real reporters,” who do nothing but reword and/or just parrot narrative talking points anyway.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “My Mind is Going. I Can Feel It.”

  1. “This oughta put a damper on machines being infallible “fact check” arbiters”

    I was in college when I first (and last) watched the Bruce Dern film “Silent Running.” I remember a scene where he is sitting in his space capsule watching a political discussion on TV with only his little robot pals as company, and a voice (human or artificial) is softly fact-checking the debaters in real time as they speak, in a voiceover audible only to the viewers. The idea, I guess, was to show how added technology would better inform watchers and voters, and that was the takehome that impressed a lot of my student pals. Contrarily, my first thought was, “how can you know that the fact checker isn’t deliberately lying?”
    50+ years later, we’ve seen that future, and it doesn’t work.

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