NBC ‘Magazine Disconnect’ Story Attempts to Cheerlead Gun Bans and Lawsuits

Does anyone who fully understands the issue and the motivations for pushing it really believe this is about safety? [More]

Don’t these people have a truck to blow up?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “NBC ‘Magazine Disconnect’ Story Attempts to Cheerlead Gun Bans and Lawsuits”

  1. I has a question (or two).

    I have a P08 made at Erfurt for Kaiser Wilhelm’s army in 1914.

    It has no magazine disconnect.

    The manufacturer no longer exists.

    That government no longer exists.

    Who or what is going to handle the recall to retrofit a magazine disconnect in this case? Or would I be required to hand it in to be cut up for scrap?

    And on that happy day when all semi-automatic firearms’ owners have had their property either modified or “bought back”, how long until someone notices (again) that all Colt 1873 Single Action Army revolvers (and replicas thereof) are inherently unsafe?



    Can anyone see a naturally occurring demark between “safe” and “unsafe” firearms where the “common sense gun safety” folks would declare an end to their quest to make all firearms “safe”?

      1. Rodger that. But we have no shortage of folks out there who don’t.

        We still have folks who think the 1994 AWB was about crime reduction, even though the originator of the white paper said it wasn’t.

  2. I have Ruger 22/45 lite third gen pistol. First mod I did was to remove the mag disconnect. They act like this won’t happen! Took about 15 minutes because I am not a proficient gunsmith. If I can do it. Just about anyone can.

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