Never on Sunday Guns

The Hunting and Conservation Nexus of the National Firearms Act [More]

I may explore this in more detail. For now, suffice it to say a coalition of elitist Fudds and racist, anamaladjusted environmentalcases screwed posterity.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Why Are Short Barreled Rifles Actually Regulated in the US? [Watch]

Because those who do can.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Never on Sunday Guns”

  1. Background: Historically, the NRA was an education and sporting organization, with militry tie-ins, until well after the NFA was passed. It wasn’t until the ’60s that certain factions began to see gun rights threatned and a need for a pro-gun lobbying presence, and it wasn’t until an anti-Fudd coup that the NRA-ILA was finally founded in 1975. Much of this is all nicely outlined in NRA Director Robert Kukla’s “Gun Control” (1973), a history of the early anti-gun movement.

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