New Baldwin Findings Could Open Door to Additional Charges

Baldwin has repeatedly insisted he never pulled the trigger. The reports say that’s not true. Was he lying? [More]

Who thinks they wouldn’t face charges if the tests refuted their testimony?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “New Baldwin Findings Could Open Door to Additional Charges”

  1. So somebody “rebuilt the gun that the FBI destroyed during testing.”
    No evidence too important to destroy for the FBI’s friends, is there.

  2. All the second test proved was that the pistol could not fire unless the trigger was pulled. It did not malfunction. Baldwin was an incompetent when it came to guns. Should never been allowed to handle one.

  3. Baldwin has Big Democrat Privilege. If he’s charged, he’ll be offered a nice plea deal as Hunter was. Maybe it will be “Public Service” TV ads to lecture we mundanes on the evils of gun ownership. It is clear that the little airhead “armorer” Hannah Gutierrez -Reed is the one who will take the fall. She is in deep doo after it came out that she disposed of the drugs she was doing just after the “accident.”

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