New Development in Biden Gun Case May Open Complaint for Reconsideration

At the time of the ruling, attorney Stephen Stamboulieh advised that no appeal would be filed due to time, expense, and the unlikelihood of it succeeding. This could change that. A motion for reconsideration may now be feasible since Biden’s attorney Clark publicly acknowledged the investigation. [More]

With his lawyer publicly acknowledging an investigation, ATF’s “Hunter Biden privacy” claim at this point is demonstrably BS.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “New Development in Biden Gun Case May Open Complaint for Reconsideration”

  1. In the Biden gang’s dealings gun charges are small potatoes.

    Tens of millions or more earned via influence peddling, tax evasion on same and likely treasonous dealings with our adversaries are far more interesting and carry far more satisfying penalties.

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