None Dare Call It Treason

New York City Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Vote in City Elections Ruled Unconstitutional [More]


Did you catch that? 1 million new democrat votes. That’s the game.

I caught it.

When will they?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “None Dare Call It Treason”

  1. Just because this was ruled unconstituional means nothing. The left routinely ignores laws, ruling and court decisions they don’t like. They will do the same with this ruling. Expect massive numbers of fraudulent votes to be counted this year. Just like the massive number of fraudulent votes that were counted in 2022….and 2020. The lefts mantra is always on play….”rules are for thee, never for me”.

  2. Whether or not they vote is not the whole story. They will skew representation in the House of Representatives and the Electoral College map just by being here and being counted in the 2030 Census.

    But if a re-elected President Trump takes steps like making E-Verify mandatory for ALL employees and ALL employers nationwide, many of the “economic immigrants” here illegally will pack up and go elsewhere when the jobs open to them dry up.

    If he also takes steps to ramp up deportations of the ones who don’t voluntarily leave, the rest will be more motivated to hide from the census takers and the political impact of their mere presence in the US will be less.

    Steps could also be taken to end “birthright citizenship” for children of people in the country illegally.

    He could also claw back any federal funding from cities that prohibit their local law enforcement from interfacing with CBP and/or ICE, and provide funds to reimburse those governments that cooperate for expenses incurred when they arrest and hold people based on their immigration status. That provide a path to get around the restrictions set up by Prinz v United States.

    Bottom line, turn off the “magnets” set up by Democrats in an effort to draw new voters here and watch the flood slow to a trickle.

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