Notes from the Democrat Freak Show

Spiritual adviser and bestselling self-help author Marianne Williamson is making a second straight run for the White House and taking aim at President Biden. [More]

“Why are we so violent?” she asks.


That’s an old grabber tactic, stumping for a totalitarian monopoly on arms by assigning collective guilt for the predations of an identifiable few.

What kind of cat lady/Demanding Mom/The View watcher would someone have to be to seek spiritual advice from this self-deluded charlatan? That question kind of answers itself…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Notes from the Democrat Freak Show”

  1. Let’s not forget that America just elected a guy who makes Biden look genuinely vigorous, and who began his last debate with his sign-off.
    Anyone with a D after their name is now electable, regardless of capability, capacity, species, birth certificate, or death certificate.

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