Our Friends Across the Aisle

But the J6ers were insurrectionists?

What do you think, Rodney?

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

6 thoughts on “Our Friends Across the Aisle”

  1. Well, if that John Brown Gun Club video from a few years ago is any indication, that left-wing bayonet charge with the SKS rifles they don’t know how to shoot is going to be a miserable failure. I’ll bring the popcorn.

  2. Lots of far left gun owners on reddit and youtube who talk about this stuff on a regular basis, yet seem to fly under the radar. Karl from the In Range youtube channel is a good example. He is a literal Satanist and does videos with transgenders while constantly attacking white christians.

  3. It’s a mistake to think we still have enough friends across the aisle to matter more than “a tinker’s damn.”

  4. Open conflict between the two sides in America is inevitable. Only a fool would think otherwise.
    And the sooner we get the party started the sooner we we can eliminate the evil and start rebuilding. There can BE NO coexistence between the leftists and any other belief structure. We must accept that reality.

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