Our Pervocracy

Reps. Massie, Greene Call for Release of ‘Congressional Sexual Misconduct Fund List’ [More]

I’m still waiting to see the names on Epstein’s list…

Hello, Dolly. You gotta wonder how many votes have been turned and appointments confirmed by naked blackmail.

This seems as good a place as any to share an email I sent to the editor of American Handgunner asking him to edit out a line from a column he invited me to write (I’ll let you know when it’s published):

[W]ith the emerging scandal with Matt Gaetz on pretty damning charges of paid sex with a minor, I have made a suggested change on page two of the article — I’m no longer comfortable assessing him as “a good choice” for AG under the current cloud. If true, someone blackmailable would be a terrible choice, regardless of his understanding of the issue. So, I deleted a sentence marked by a strikethrough, and made a minor change to the next sentence, both in red. Your choice, of course, and it could just be politics. I go by what I’d do if someone falsely accused me of something so disturbing and aberrant, and resigning would not be on the table.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Our Pervocracy”

  1. Who has the list says a lot, just one person who happens to be on the list? Most likely not. My guess is a number of people have access and prefer the perks for keeping the list secret. Democrats notorious for leaking documents are very quiet. I believe the Democrats would drop that list in a heartbeat if it was advantageous to them. The balance of power in the house and Senate may come into question if the list was released. What if someone on the list were forced to resign. Blackmail is a powerful tool and it is difficult to determine who has control of the list and who controls them.

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