Our State Fair is a Great State Fair!

State Fair of Texas upholds gun ban despite lawsuit from Attorney General Ken Paxton… “The State Fair of Texas will continue to prioritize providing a safe and secure environment for our millions of fairgoers, as well as our staff, vendors, and volunteers,” said a spokesperson. [More]

Because “there’s no safer rides than carnival rides“!

And no safer locales than “gun-free zones”!

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Our State Fair is a Great State Fair!”

  1. After a lengthy investigation the Dallas Police and State Fair was unable to determine how the person who shouldn’t have been allowed to enter the fairgrounds with a gun was able to enter.
    The fair’s “solution” is to ban law abiding, legal concealed carry citizens from entering with their self-defense handguns. Yeah, that’s gonna stop those who break the law from getting their guns inside.

    The solution falls upon the Texas legislature to fix the ambiguity they put into the law that is allowing the organizations who lease property from the government to ban licensed conceal carry.

    I encourage all Texans who have license to carry to boycott the State Fair. Unfortunately, many licensed Texans will shrug and leave their handguns at home.

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