Our State Fair is a Great State Fair

New Measure Targets State Fair Gun Ban, Expands Second Amendment Protections [More]

They already had a law, but it looked like Paxton blew it.

It’ll be interesting to see who chickens out on this one.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Our State Fair is a Great State Fair”

  1. Paxton was grandstanding.

    Cain has no co-authors or sponsors at this time.

    Looks like a ‘show’ bill that will die in committee as the lege goes home in a few months.

    Texas Rs (house majority) won’t even get behind a proper Speaker, instead letting the Ds pick a suitable toad. (story for another day)

    Tell me again how liberty thrives in Texas.

    And so goes the great ‘red’ state of Texas.

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