People Also Propagandize

I was looking for some ATF financial information for an article I’m drafting and happened upon this “helpful” information “courtesy” of Google:

People also answer, but the key here is “which people”?

I wonder when Google is just going to come right out and openly adopt “Be evil”…?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “People Also Propagandize”

  1. Ah — so you call it a “loophole” when the government still allows you some freedom.

    Today, a loophole is any concession deliberately made to a bill’s opponents required to get it passed, which (once it is passed) the proponents proceed to agitate to reneg on.

    When a law is in need of continual revision to close a series of ever-changing “loopholes,” it is probably the law, and not the people, that is in error.

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