
These aren’t my words. These are theirs:

What am I saying, that bump stocks weren’t used?

Don’t kill the messenger, I’m just posting what ATF has said.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Point/Counterpoints”

  1. Excellent reporting on your end. Amazing how the ATF weren’t allowed to examine the firearms supposedly used in the worst mass shooting in US history.

    Nothing suspicious about that!

    1. Absolutely so. And since FBI never conducted forensic examinations of any of the bump-stock connected weapons to determine if ANY of them had actually been FIRED that night, and they denied/refused BATF to conduct such examinations, I hold there is not one shred of truth to the “assumption” that bump stock equipped weapons were actually USED that night.

      And they can NOT ban a toy, device, tool, whatever ya wanna callit on a preseumption or simple declaration with ZERO proof behind it.

      EffBeeEye do NOT make the rules, they are ONLY asked with enforcing the rules others make for them..

      Talk about delusions of grandeur. Makes me wonder whose brother wanted to stomp on a successful product in the marketplace as some form of payback”.

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