Received Via Email

Great article! Yeah, it’s pretty funny that our great anti-gun president has a son who lied on his 4473 to get a gun(s).

Speaking of courts, Oregon hardly get press coverage of the what’s taking place in courts here, specifically the fight over Measure 114. I guess we’re regarded as a hopeless cause while coverage of cases in California, Massachusetts, NJ, NY which involve the same issues are always covered in Ammoland. Hmm


In re Oregon, I publish links to every alert Kevin Starrett and OFF put out and more on WoG:

I have for years:

I also do AmmoLand articles:

So does AmmoLand in general:

Our biggest problem is getting the word out — search engines and social media suppress us, and most readers don’t share links, so it’s easy to see how our stuff is missed– but it’s not because we’re ignoring it. We’re doing everything we can to juggle all the balls and drop as few as we can with the resources we have.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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