Republican Platform Betrays Gun Owners

Gun owners need to send a loud message to the RNC. [More]

I’ve talked about this shift in public priorities here, here, and tangentially here, and plan on digging into it over the weekend.

In the mean time, send that message.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Republican Platform Betrays Gun Owners”

  1. I think this is a sign of confidence that the Republicans will win the White House and increase their seats in Congress.

    They don’t feel the need to pander to gun rights people like ourselves.

  2. The Republicans have also erased abortion from the platform. Clearly they are closing all the avenues of demagogic Democrat attack against them, in an attempt not to spook fence-sitting voters and WalkAways. (Productive or futile? We’ll find out.)

    Another point is that it makes little sense for the national party to have a platform significantly different than their own standard-bearer’s, and his does not treat these issues either.

    Finally, as a gun owner, I couldn’t care less what the party says in their platform, given how many times they (including their current nominee) violated it anyway regardless of the protections it (and he) promised me.

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