Republicans, They Thirst for Death

If Republicans Want to Win, They Need Trump to Lose — Big
To dominate the country once more, Republicans need to hasten the move to a post-Trump party. [More]

Talk about a PsyOps piece–right, listen to the DSM.

If the GOP lets Democrat infiltraitors take over and morph into a party of Lincoln Project dominance, more than I will never vote for them again, which is the plan. What Vichycons haven’t figured is they need us more than we need them, because we will not disarm regardless.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Republicans, They Thirst for Death”

  1. I hate to break it to them, but Trump is running way ahead of the gop senate candidates in all of the swing states. The GOP itself is very unpopular with the public, but Trump is an exception. Richard Baris released a new poll today and discussed this. Working class types like Trump, but don’t care for the Lincoln Project approved candidates. It’s just the reality.

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