Round Up the Usual Suspects

Some groups were much more likely than others to endorse political violence: Republicans and MAGA-supporting Republicans in particular; those who endorse QAnon, the white supremacy movement, Christian nationalists and other extreme right-wing organizations and movements; and firearm owners — but only by a small margin, unless they owned assault-type rifles, had bought firearms during the COVID pandemic or regularly carried loaded firearms in public. [More]

Hey, gotta feed the narrative while provoking those with traditional values who have been scrupulously law-abiding and peaceable…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Round Up the Usual Suspects”

  1. No mention of AntiFa or BLM?

    I question the statement that right wing groups assert the need for violence more than left wing groups. But there can be no debate on the fact of which side has recently committed political violence. It was all over our TV screens in the “Summer of Love” in “mostly peaceful protests” that even their cheerleaders in the media couldn’t hide.

    That’s all I needed to see.

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