Disarming fair patrons is longstanding and throughout the Republic. [More]
Do you know the rules in your state, and when fair promoters are playing fast and loose with them?
Notes from the Resistance
Disarming fair patrons is longstanding and throughout the Republic. [More]
Do you know the rules in your state, and when fair promoters are playing fast and loose with them?
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Simple solution. Make anyone and everyone behind these decisions civilly liable for ALL damages someone suffers from being unable to effectively defend themselves at such a venue. That should be a universal legal requirement. Any person or business that bans legal gun carrying automatically assumes 100% liability for anyone harmed. That would effectively end such insanity.
Yessir our WA State Fairgrounds in Puyallup WA actually has gun shows yet I call them “zip tied gun shows” as they require your firearm to have its action zip tied and empty of all ammunition and you cannot have magazines for semi-autos on your person nor can you have loose ammunition on your person or speedloaders for revolvers for that matter. It is the case for the WA State Fair held there that all “weapons” are banned. I mock this type of ban as of course your greatest weapon is your brain.
As your friend and mine Mike Vanderboegh famously said in part the armed citizen still gets to vote. I care not what piece of toilet paper some politician signs (in violation of his/her oath of office, I retain and will enforce my God given rights.
I attended the Iowa State Fair Saturday. Had to go through metal detectors, took me a while to find all the metal in my pockets. They did a quick measure of my EDC pocket knife and EDC multitool but they were cool about it. However as I was leaving the gate officer friendly on duty there stopped me and told me that while he had seen my knife and tool pass muster, inside the fair they would be likely to seize them without bothering to check measurements. So I went to a restroom and transferred them into a little day pack I had with me with a raincoat in it. BTW I don’t see anything about knife length on this page. https://www.iowastatefair.org/visit/frequently-asked-questions