Setting the Barr

A New Day Dawns at the NRA, Are Reform Efforts Paying Dividends? [More]

Not a word about this, including from comment posters who read it, does not fill me with hope.

I sometimes wonder why I document stuff most aren’t aware of if nobody uses it.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Setting the Barr”

  1. In late colonial times until the ratification of the Bill of Rights, even the professional debaters didn’t talk much about what a “well regulated militia” was. I suspect that was likely because they all knew Josiah Quincy’s thoughts on the subject and agreed with him.

    Likely something similar going on with lack of discussion on the subject of Bill Barr. There’s likely more unfinished business than that in Fairax.

    Maybe it will all get cleared up and maybe it won’t.

    But I have a suspicion that their survival depends on those that remain and those that left seeing a valid attempt at some serious housekeeping.

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