Shall Not Be Infringed Unless…

We learned that the denials were due to font sizes that were too small, the lack of compliant visual indicators, and so forth. We have just received additional responsive documents from the DOJ which explain their position that, pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, the explanatory text for the CLIs must be permanently displayed by engraving, stamping, etching, molding, casting, or other means of permanent marking. If the explanatory text can be removed, such as with acetone, that will NOT be sufficient for roster approval. [More]

Now they’re just being d!cks.

This is one of the things we ought to be pressing Trump on:

Imagine now the Department of Justice under an actual Second Amendment advocate, and what it could do fighting infringements and prohibitionist lawfare waged by states with unlimited tax war chests in tandem with Astroturf prohibitionist groups funded by antigun elites. Right now, the costs to defend against these innumerable assaults on all levels are borne by gun rights groups and members of mostly modest means who can only support a fraction of what is needed. That equation could be turned on its head.

That presupposes Pam Bondi’s inclination to demand infringements can be reined in and reversed.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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