Survey Says…

Most gun owners favor modest restrictions but deeply distrust government, poll finds [More]

And of course, no such article would be complete without an exploitable word from a conveniently useful Fudd:

“As a gun owner myself, both pistols and hunting rifles, I feel that it’s important that background checks, red flag laws and raising the age should be something that we as a country should be doing,” said poll respondent Christopher Montes of Connecticut.

You’re a real f-ing idiot, aren’t you Chris?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Survey Says…”

  1. Survey of 1022 ‘adults’ each with at least one gun.
    How was the list of the surveyed compiled?
    Geographical distribution?
    In final analysis the the stats claimed hardly represent the opinions of the likely more than 100mm gun owners in the country. But then figures lie and liars figure.
    Might just as well put a finger to the wind, or to some bodily orifice.

  2. “You’re a real f-ing idiot, aren’t you Chris?”
    “C’mere honey, listen! I’m on the radio!”

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