Yeah, So Much for a Good Guy with a Gun

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2023 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4%, the correct number is at least 35%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 51.5%. [More]

Check out the video at the end.

Wanna read that line again, self-righteous, propaganda-parroting stage prop pretending to be a heroic FBI “Only One” with a gun?

Because What Could Be Safer Than Utter Helplessness?

You see what they’re doing by throwing neighborhood gang shootings into the mix and leaving out schools. Lies, damned lies, and leftist ivory tower eggheads with an agenda: Is there anything they DON’T know?

What they can’t refute:

100% of school shootings occur in “gun-free zones.”

[Via Starvin Larry]

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